CAS ISN: is 4 bytes (8 digits) ISN, the last 4 digits represent the DME ISN, the DMEs that have only 4 digits ISN (like MSV70,ME9N45,DDE 5,…) are considered old, while the total 8 digits represent the 6HP EGS ISN.
CAS SK: is 16 byte (32 digits, 128 bits) ISN, this is the new ISN used in all new DMEs and DDEs (MSV80, MSD81, MSS60, MEV17_2, MEVD172Y,…), It also represent the ISN in 8HP EGS.
From this window you can save this info into file, as well as load saved ISN from a DME or CAS and write it into the current CAS.
Read and Write BMW ISN in DME and DDE:
As described before, there are two types of BMW DME/DDE ISN, short and long.
Autohex II supports following ISN:
DME / DDE E Series 4 digita:
D62M57A0, D62M57B0, D60PSA0, D50M57A0, D50M57E1, D60M47A0, D60M57A0, MEV9N46L, ME9N45, ME9N62, ME9E65_6, N73_L0, N73_R0, ME9N62_2, MSV70, MS450DS0, N62_TUE, N62_TUE2.
DME /DDE E Series long ISN (SK):
MSV80, MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD85Y, MSS60, MEVD176K, ME17N45, MED17_2, MED17_2N, MEV17_2, MEV17N46, MEVD174K, MEVD174KW, MV1722, MVD1722, MEVD172, MEVD1724, MEVD1725, MEVD172Y, MEVD17KW, D70N47A0, D70N47B0, D71N47A0, D71N47B0, D71N47C0, D71N47D0, D72N47A0, D72N47B0, D73N47A0, D73N57A0, D73N57B0, D73N57C0, D73N57D0.
DME F Series long ISN (SK):
MEVD172Y, MEVD172, MEVD1724, MEVD1725, N63TU_L0, N63TU_R0, S63TU_L0, S63TU_R0.
The 4 digits DME ISN is read only, while the 32 digits ISN (SK) is mostly read/write in E series.
And DME ISN (SK) is read/write in all supported DMEs in F series.